Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I dream of a world where everyone would just stop being scared by the others. Where people would really love and appreciate each others differences. Where french and English would only be langages, not some political thing to fight over! If I had only one message to pass on to others it would be to stop fighting, and stop being scared. Look around you! There's so many nice thing going on! And there would be so much more if everyone would apply this simple rule! I love being a "quebecois" but it doesn't mean I have to hate everyone who speaks English does it? Well I don't think so ! Please, just give people a chance, really, try to think for yourselves for once and take a new look at people surrounding you, they all have something to teach you! Okay, enough ranting for one day, talk to you all later!


VV said...

When was the last time I've told you you're clever?

VV said...

You should write something new for us to read, David :)